Replace All of Your Teeth in One Appointment

Dr. Menard uses the latest dental technologies and treatment techniques for your same-day smile procedure. He uses an advanced implant dentures system, a cutting-edge alternative to traditional methods. It gives you an entire arch of teeth in your upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws. Your teeth will be secured with five or six implants. You’ll receive all the benefits of implants, including a strong bite and better jawbone health, but in just one appointment. Here is what you can expect:

  • We’ll take 3-D digital X-rays to determine if your jaw is strong enough to support the implants. You may not need a grafting procedure, even if you have experienced bone loss. The process is designed to take full advantage of your existing bone. 
  • If you are a candidate for a same-day smile, he’ll place five to six implants in specific places in your jaw to support your new teeth. Sedation options are available if you are nervous about your procedure.
  • You’ll receive a set of temporary teeth. You’ll wear them while your new teeth are being created. You can smile and eat with them. You’ll never be without your teeth again!
  • Once they are ready, you’ll return to our office. Dr. Menard will make sure they fit and function properly.

You’ll love how you feel with a complete set of teeth! If you want a same-day smile in Moscow, call 208-203-7663 for a consultation.